An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Avoiding one task...

means getting another one done!  :-))

I went to the studio after lunch to pack the art materials I want to take on holiday when what I should have been doing was preparing a talk I am giving on Thursday morning to Alan's support team, as part of their on-going training.  

In a nutshell I am talking about Alan's birth, his cerebral palsy diagnosis and his early years experiences.  It's to give them a picture of him before they knew him and also talk about our values and the hopes we have for him when we're no longer here.  I need to have a structure in place for the talk otherwise I will blether all day rather than the hour I have!  I know that's hard to believe but it's true ;-)))

I shall gather my art materials then write the structured note I thought to myself.  


The paint mixing tray I want to take on holiday had left over paint in it so rather than waste it I played about with it on the back of an old painting.  I hate waste :-)

Then once my holiday art materials were gathered, there was a sudden and urgent need to completely clear out my art table drawers.  To be fair, they did need a clear out but a delay of another month wouldn't have mattered, but oh no, the urge was upon me and nothing else would happen till the task was complete!  

And it now is.  And actually I am glad because I found a few things I've been looking for (and want to take on holiday) and a couple of things I'd forgotten I had and was about to order, so all's well that ends well.

Now I have to look out my crochet yarn to take and then I will write my structured note ;-))

Thank you SO much for all of your stars, hearts and lovely comments on my 4500th blip yesterday.  You are all so kind and so lovely!  Blip did of course warn me about this milestone day three days ago, but what use is that to a menopausal woman who has two functioning brain cells and a third one asleep!  I would have made much more of an effort if I'd remembered.  Anyhoo, thank you most kindly from the  bottom of my heart :D xx

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