
By pensionspoet

A day of 2 halves

The first half being 7am to 5pm, the second being 8pm to 9pm!!

I drove to County Hall for a meeting with one of my team this morning, and spent the day there. I didn't get out at lunchtime, but I know it was quite warm. I eventually left by 5 so home at 6. When I got back I had a look at the hive. A week ago, sadly Jon discovered that the hive had no activity at all, and when he opened up up, there was sign of life. A lot of dead bees and some honey. It has been like this for at least 3 weeks. It is a mystery how they all died. Or did they? Yesterday afternoon, there was a huge swarm in the area of the hive at the front of the house and within 10 minutes it had gone. Now there is activity in and out of the hive and we think they moved in. Jon is going to have snother look, with his bee protective clothing on, once they settle. The photo of the hive shows a few bees.

Helped Mollie cook tea. She had made a foccacia with the sour dough starter she has been trying to grow over the last few weeks. I don't really understand the whole sour dough thing, but she has been feeding this little pot of flour and water, and it has been growing!!

After dinner I went yo the allotment to plant my pathetic curly kale seedlings. The soil is so poor. Lumps of soil like small boulders of rock. I watered what I could, but my hay fever flared up and I had to leave the pollen weed filled area, sneezing uncontrollably. But not before picking my peas. Yes it was peas I had planted not mange tout. Nothing is really doing very well, and even the chicken has stopped laying. On days like today, I feel it is more hassle than it's worth.

Got home at 9 and we watched the last episode of Ten Pound Poms which is on next Sunday when we are away.

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