
By hazelh

Swimming in Loch Faskally

Two days ago I suggested to Winsford that I might swim with her to the second pine tree later this week. Within a couple of hours of our arrival in Pitlochry this afternoon, she and I stepped into Loch Faskally (blipped) with Mr hazelh to take up the challenge.

It's been such a hot day so it was a great relief to enter the cool (but not cold) water for half an hour or so. We all swam together to the second pine, along with another lady who is in Pitlochry for a few days. Then Mr hazelh and I swam a little further to the third pine tree. It was a wonderful experience, and easily one of the highlights of our (amazing) holiday. I do hope that we can all go swimming again tomorrow.

As I type this T is preparing the evening meal the four of us, and Winsford has said that she is just about to serve drinks on the 'veranda'. There are also rumours of a game of Catan later.

In other news, I bought a greatly discounted winter coat at House of Bruar on our way here. It was strange to try it on in the middle of a heatwave, but I will be grateful for it in December.

Exercise today: 40 minutes of outdoor swimming (~ half a mile, 805 metres); small amount of walking (6143 steps).

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