Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Ferns in Acomb Wood

These ferns seem to be exulting in the sunshine.

Many of us are finding the heat more than trying! At home, there is a fan on in Mum's living room. Today the temperature upstairs was intolerable, even in my north facing study.

I thought that a walk in the wood might be cooler than anywhere else. Perhaps it was, but it was sweltering.

My weather forecast app says that the temperature in The Faroes is 14 degrees C. I need to rethink my packing. I was planning on taking all winter clothes. Not now.

There were beautiful common spotted orchids in the woods. The ferns just won out, but I have put on in as an extra.

Recently I've had problems with the Lee filter adaptors adhering to the lens filter. Three indeed. I've tried every which way to get them free. In Italy, one of the group had a lens filter wrench and was able to free one. I've invested in a set and they work. Hooray. 

Note to self - make time tomorrow to clean the sensors before travelling.

I'll be on Atlantic Airways. They are new to me. 

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