Living my dream

By Mima


This pair spent a long time on the window seat this afternoon loving each other. 

Marian came round for a day’s sourdough bread tutorial. Bean absolutely loves her, so this kind of carry on was inevitable.

Marian’s been away for a month, so it has been a wonderful day of catching up, eating bread, cheese and persimmons, walking Bean and rolling our eyes about the ways of the world. 

She brought me honey, persimmons and avocado…yum! Things I never buy.

She is about to go into retreat at home for a month, so I sent her away with a basket stuffed full of retreat treats: cheese, chutney, jam, bottled fruit, a loaf, cordial - and a portion of Sheila Dough-matua sourdough starter culture so that she can make her own bread. 

I’m not used to chatting all day. It’s lovely but exhausting, and my throat is rasping this evening. I’m way behind on journals, but will catch up soon enough…

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