Living my dream

By Mima

By the seaside

Bean and I spent the afternoon with friends who live in Kakanui. This tree is on the walk around the Point, which we went on before heading back inland at the end of the day. 

It was another below freezing morning, and a simply glorious sunny day. Kakanui was looking at its best with a very high tide and gentle waves and a lovely winter light.

Bean was full of beans and charged about at full speed, tail rotating, ears flying. She was a happy sight.

Over cups of tea beforehand we had talked at length about a mutual acquaintance who has advanced MS, was recently diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer, caught Covid and has just had a massive stroke. His family is determined to keep him alive whatever the costs. 

It led to an interesting chat about the conditions under which we would prefer to die rather than live. Mine include unresolveable acute pain, and terminal loss of dignity (succinctly summed up by J as ‘not being able to wipe my own bum’). We each had different lines beyond which we would prefer to die. It was a fascinating conversation. 

Since 2014 I have had an Advanced Directive / Advanced Care Plan attached to my medical records in which I have expressed my wish for no medical intervention and treatment in certain detailed situations. It isn’t legally binding at the moment in NZ, but I hope that my wishes will be respected. 

Having witnessed both my husband and mother having to live long beyond what they felt was their “end-by date” I am passionate about humanity at the end of life. The kind of humanity we provide our animals. The withholding of medication and treatment is the very least we can do.

Incidentally there are moves afoot to get Advanced Directives and Advanced Care Plans into the legislation. It may take years. Needless to say I’ve signed the petition of support.

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