Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

Jack's Unimpressed...

Altogether now... awwwww!

Yes, the poor old sausage is feeling rather sorry for himself. After cutting himself on the leg on one of his manic forays somewhere in the garden the other day, a quick trip to the vet and three stitches was called for.

Today was remove the bandage day, which in turn meant he started bothering the stitches almost immediately. That meant one thing - fit the elizabethan collar and let chaos ensure, in a bull in a china shop sort of way.

Jack's now getting used to his cone-head and diminished spatial awareness, as you can see by his position on the window seat. Not only that, he has also perfected his 'feel sorry for me' face...

Call me a softy, but I find those sad, big brown eyes just too hard to resist. Perhaps I should try the same during my recovery?

See the 'Cone of Shame' in its full glory

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