Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

The first.

A lazy start to today, then I noticed a strange message from am elderly neighbour. I was going to reply but then thought I'd just pop over and see her.
I spent the next hour and a half trying to work out what was going on with her email. I was working between my laptop, my phone, her phone and her ipad! Life gets complicated at times.
I managed to sort most things but for some reason couldn't manage to get in to change her email password. I think she has had her email hacked and there seemed to be a divert/forward on (which I managed to remove) to an email which is not hers. Why do people do such things, it causes so much distress and it's so hard to get through to anybody to help. I ended up emailing her niece to tell her what I'd done and handing over to her!
Colin and I headed to Mannerstons for lunch, I had a lovely black pudding and goats cheese salad, they call it a light bite but I find it very filling - and extremely delicious.
Back home we decided to put our plumbers hats on and replace the loo seat which had come away from its mountings last week. These things are never as straightforward as they should be, but we managed eventually. All is now secure, or will be when the fixing glue has set in 12 hours, till then we have to ca' canny!
We decided to start watching the DCI Banks series on tv, I've got them all recorded but we never got around to watching them.
Today's blip is the first of my sweet peas, my favourite flower I think, looking good against the philadelphus.
Ali is coming to terms with the fact that Josie has moved up a stage at nursery. She is no longer a baby!

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