
By Wildwood

Stealth Squash

Zucchini has a way of lurking under its large leaves, escaping notice until it has turned into a monster. We used to have a joke about leaving these things on somebody's doorstep, ringing the bell and running away....We'll try slicing and grilling these. They're not bad with plenty of butter and parmesan cheese.

 An article in the paper this morning announced the results of a study on the 'problem' of unhoused people in Sonoma County. I just had to laugh when the basic conclusion of this undoubtedly costly study was that the biggest cause is...get ready for it...not having a safe place to live. There seem to be houses and apartments being built all over the place, but nothing that is even remotely affordable for someone working a minimum wage job. 

A couple is being evicted by the owners of  a mobile home park because they didn't get a permit to make repairs on their leaky roof. They own the mobile home (which isn't even remotely mobile judging from the picture of it) but not the land which is owned by a corporation. 

Are the elected officials of Sonoma County living in some altered state of reality? Or is this just their way of avoiding grappling with a very complicated and thorny issue?

I wish I could come up with something witty and uncomplaining...but it just hasn't been that sort of day. In fact I can't really come up with anything at all so I will hope I get a better night's sleep and try again tomorrow....

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