An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Sum of all arts...

Another lie in.  Enjoyed it as plan to be up at 7am tomorrow as have a busy day planned.

Garden folk arriving sometime after 8am to start planting up the spaces.  D playing golf at Leven so want to be around should they have any questions.  Not sure what questions they might have as the planting plan is complete but you never know.

Also want to make Empire biscuits to take to Alan and Gail's on Saturday (I will freeze them and defrost and jam and ice them on Friday evening) Also want to drop some off at Gleneagles as our friend Drew who we met up with on holiday last week is up here at Gleneagles on business this week so that will be a pleasant surprise for him.  I also need to get the slate tile painted as I am taking that to Gail as a gift on Saturday and also get to work on a commission painting that I want to compete this week.

Will see how much of that I achieve by this time tomorrow!  :-)

Agnes and Adrian came up for dinner.  I kept it simple by making pizza and salad with side dishes of coleslaw, pasta salad and potato salad.  I did make some effort by making smoked mackerel pate as a starter, but we were so busy blethering, the pizzas were in the oven and almost ready before I remembered the starters!!  Doggy bags were given :-)

What a laugh we had.  Well seen we are all in our mid 50s as each of us had something to rant about!  Bunch of grumpy gits...but it all ended in laughter :-))

And now D has put the tv on and Die Hard is on but I am NOT watching it A. because I tired and B. because it's not Christmas (although Alan was watching a Christmas movie today.  I was in the hall and thought I could hear Silent Night being sung.  I stopped and listened and I could!!!) 

Agnes asked if I'd done any painting on holiday so I said yes and let her see, so in the absence of any other photos being taken today, you get a group shot of my holiday output.  

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