
By ayearinthelife

Somebody’s Watching Me

Mrs C is trading in some old cameras which necessitated a trawl through the loft, trying to find the relevant boxes, spare batteries, chargers, etc.
The search also turned up the trail camera, which normally goes outside once the hedgehogs reappear. For some reason, it was overlooked back in March but, hey, better late than never! I’ve chosen a location which gives a broad view of the garden, not just the hedgehog feeding station, so it will be interesting to see what nocturnal activity goes on whilst we sleep.
Had my customary coffee with Stu this morning and also called in at R&T Music to order a new guitar wireless system. The present one is just too prone to interference and I invariably end up having to plug in to the amp after only a few numbers. After a great deal of online research yesterday, I think I’ve found something that will do the job and was heartened to hear from Stu that the bass player in his other band uses the system I’m thinking of and has no issues with it. Duly ordered, and there is a chance it might even arrive before this weekend’s gig. If not, I’ll just have to plug in again.
I toyed with the idea of mowing the lawn this afternoon, but managed to talk myself out of it!

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