
By Lizimagiz

A View From the Hill

There was a fabulous red dawn sky this morning. Red underlying clouds with great dark grey ones over-laying them. A sign of rain to come.
However tempted I was to blip the dawn sky from up on the Wither Hills I am glad that I walked along the tracks for a considerable time. I took pleasure from the changing light. For quite some time, just as the sun rose, it was rich in golden tones. These tones were reflected on the hill giving a lovely autumnal feel to the vista. Of course we are now officially in winter and today's milder weather will not last.
We have the younger generation staying with us over the long weekend. My two younger sons and their lovely partners. All four are keen outdoor persons and thus they spent the greater part of the day climbing Mount Robertson to the north-east. This is the mountain with some cloud covering the summit in the top right-hand end of the Richmond Range in this image. They took both dogs with them. The dogs are now sleeping it off in their dog-beds . Fergus disgraced himself near the end of their trek by rolling in something unspeakably smelly. He apparently smelt so horrible that the family had to put him in the sea at Rarangi to get the worst off. When I arrived home from visiting friends I found poor Hannah busy shampooing the culprit who was looking, for a dog, suitably ashamed. Tch tch...dogs will be dogs.

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