Knaresborough. July 6th.

Stephen took this photo of me this morning.
I hardly took any yesterday! A lot of catching up and talking with my sister and brother-in-law.
We all went out for lunch to celebrate her 70th birthday.
She is doing so well, but this minor stroke has affected her left eye and part of her right side again, (which was badly affected by the first one in 2009).
This morning Stephen and I went out for a walk to the Castle grounds, 15 minutes from where she lives. The view over the viaduct is a much photographed one!
They came up in the car a bit later and we had a coffee in a quirkily decorated café, then drove us back to their house so we could get in our car and set out for home. I drove most of the way, stopping at some services for a drink and bite to eat, as it was lunchtime, before Stephen took over for the last bit. of the journey.
We were listening to the Test Match (cricket) from Headingly (Leeds).
We’ve been to Cricket Test matches at Lords and Edgbaston. Nothing quite like “The Ashes”.
Sorry if you aren’t cricket fans!
I’m tired now, so probably won’t catch up today as it is teatime.
An extra of us all in the café this morning.
PS Mary (of yesterday’s blip) said to say Thankyou to all of you who commented on her photo. She thought you were all lovely!

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