
By Jamjar

My 70th year is going to begin at the end of October and I've compiled a list of things I'd like to do and places I'd like to go. I probably won't do them all, but the ideas are there if I have the time, money and energy. One of the ideas is to complete 70 routes during one session at the bouldering wall, so I thought I'd better get into training. 

I think I usually climb 15-20 routes in an hour when I go to The Climbing Unit. Today I wanted to see how many I could do before I was exhausted and at risk of injury, so I took a pen with me and marked each set of 5 off on my arm. Well it turns out I can only do 50% of my target at the moment, but I'll improve with practise.

PS I hope my photo hasn't upset anyone with the similarity to WW2 concentration camp tattoos.

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