
By Jamjar

My morning and early afternoon was spent in the charity shop, arriving home at about 3 o'clock. I had an early meal before joining my Ramblers Tuesday evening walk from Tutbury to the Fauld crater. 

It's a walk I've previously done with Fi, who lives near there, but before that I'd never heard of the Fauld Crater disaster.

There's very little to see now, the crater itself is very overgrown, but there are several monuments both with information and in memory. What an immense blast it must have been!

We took the route through the woods on the way up to the rim. I was the only one of us not to wear trousers, although thank goodness they were three quarters and not short shorts! Stinging nettles and brambles, need I say more, and sections with hawthorn overhead. We were all stung and scratched, me most of all with my exposed lower legs. You know how popping candy reacts in your mouth? That was how my legs felt, fizzy and sparkly, but not in a good way.

I got home, cleaned all the mud and blood, took an antihistamine and went to bed. But I couldn't sleep because my legs were touching the sheets, and in the end I put a pair of tight base layer leggings on as a barrier between legs and sheets. That worked, and by the morning my legs almost felt normal.

We had no rain which was amazing given the forecast, our waterproofs were used to protect our arms!

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