Dane and T

STRAVA Day 767+ Walk extra

#thoringael 's and his classmate Dane's profile view is part of the featured image. This is where their School Wide Recognition was held earlier. 

The program/invite said the rites would begin at 7 in the morning and T wanted us to go there before said time. He was quite adamant that we leave even at 6:10 AM. Told him we'll just both be bored if we leave that early. Despite the stress which came hand in hand with today's event, am grateful for these today: 

(1) Allowed T to pressure me to "hurry up" and thus was able to take a few wide photos without the horde. They started to arrive with their fans, umbrellas and other stuff after less than 10 minutes.

(2) Gramps let me bring one of the director's chairs at home all the way to T's school. No idea how heavy it is exactly but it is lighter than White Fiona (my folding bike) and was able to lift it from our home to Central's covered court. 

(3) Manong Ernesto, the taho vendor I often buy from was among the many vendors who entered the school grounds today. 

(4) B arrived just in time. He took my place and was with T throughout the entire ceremony. 

Have a good one!

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