A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Back to the old routine

A lovely morning and back to the early walk with the ladies (+ one man, two dogs) and more significantly back to the old Thursday regular walk.
The tree felling regime seems to be over 2 months ahead of time. 
They started (late) in March and we were told it would be  September before the road and paths would be open for normal use. They have rebuilt the path in places but there are those gaping holes where the trees used to be as you climb past Lady Blantyre’s Rock. Beyond, along the wall skirting the golf course it looks fairly normal but some tree trunks are still lying at the top and the trees along the top path that had an orange dot are still there but have been ringed. 

Went down to Bingley for a bit of shopping and got a few cheapy craft things in Home Bargains to add to my stash for when Eda visits next month.

Took a look in Keighley at where we ladies (another group) are eating tomorrow night as if I’m driving I like to know where I can park. Double yellow lines outside and no car park but I’ve spotted some possibilities. It will be rush hour, and possibly raining,  when we arrive so don’t want to be messing around.

As we were there we went to Cliffe Castle for a coffee - blip. The cafe is in the adjacent ‘L’ of this conservatory. The dome is decorated by art work from Keighley Art Hub. There were explanations of the plant based techniques anbd some more examples inside. 

At the end of the buildings there are some aviaries with Budgerigars in them. A long time since I’ve seen some, very colourful and the end buildings had rabbits and guinea pigs.

Home to get the washing out, now on the home stuff! 
All dry and in. And whilst I was enthusiastic I did some gardening. Removing spent fox gloves and dead heading roses mainly.  Still lots to do but I’ve filled a garden bag!

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