
By KCNQ2Haiku

Looks more compliant than he is

Exploring the park.
Dodge the seeds that stick to fur.
Return at full pelt.

Busy busy.  Cleaning, shopping, organising.  Spoke to new social worker, she seems nice.  We had a big social work meeting, they're useful but they do take energy beforehand and during to keep things on track.  I had a couple of walks with Leo, he was OK, there were a few too many dogs who weren't sociable so we had to keep on lead but then he had a good run at the park near Ben's school in the afternoon (see picture) he was a monkey though, he went in a bush and just would not come out until he was ready.  Heaven knows what he had found :-/ He remained Seed Free, thankfully.  He has the groomer at 8am in the morning so I'm trying to keep him clean until then!  
Too busy for more today, we 're off on holiday tomorrow so lots to do but all good, fun stuff :-)

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