Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


I pulled out my 50mm prime lens this morning to try to get this zinnia's true pink color.  And to make myself use the camera instead of the phone!  

 I had so much golden light in my kitchen area that the flower looked orange.    I  changed  the white balance setting to Tungsten which helped some  and over exposed a little but still not good on the table with less natural light.  So I moved it to the window ledge and actually held the little vase in my hand while trying to take a photo.  (Too lazy to pull out the tripod!)    Finally got a photo that was not blurry and that showed close to the rosy pink color of this flower.   The other pink zinnias are softer like baby girl pink.    Surprised that these are still blooming sporadically. Not a good summer for flowers in the yard.

Thanks to all who participated in Tiny Tuesday this week.  The hearts are given to...

PicturePoems   oareidolia in the honesty

Lesmark   beautiful lavender buds

JohnRH   coffee beans first thing in the morning

DawnP   a ladybug in the sunflowers

H0tamer   the first view of the morning toothbrush

Thanks to all who entered photos.  It is always hard to pick five!!

Next week the prompt is glass for Tiny Tuesday.   No glass should be harmed in taking your photos!!    Just kidding!

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