An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Spot the bugs...

Thankfully no nightmare on waking today :-)

This has been one of those days where I have been busy the entire day but have nothing to show for it.  D feels exactly the same.  

I had planned to finish my tulip painting this afternoon but I felt a bit distracted all day and once at my painting table, all inspiration and urge to paint deserted me and I abandoned it to make Empire biscuits instead.

I promised our friends Keith and Mairi that I would take some homemade Empire biscuits and Malteser rocky road to their BBQ on Saturday, so thought making the Empire biscuits today and freezing them (to be defrosted and iced on Friday evening) would be the organised thing to do.

I've made these biscuits so often I could do it with my eyes closed but something went awry (told you I was feeling distracted!) I had a 200g block of butter but when I put it in the mixer bowl, the scales measured it at 175g.  Very odd.  

I figured there was something not right with my scales so went ahead and added half of another 200g pack of butter (I needed 300g in total) but the mix wasn't quite the same as usual although it rolled out okay and the cut out biscuits looked as they should, so into the oven they went.  

The smell as they cooked was amazing so I was hopeful they would be ok but on tasting one once cooled, the buttery melt in the mouth texture isn't quite there.  They taste ok but not my usual standard, so I will freeze these as planned and we can eat them, but I will make a new batch to take to Keith and Mairi.

Jordan took Alan cycling today (topical given the cycling world championships taking place :-) They usually go to a cycle place in Glasgow but tried a new place that had been recommended (can't remember where it is) and Alan loved it.  Apparently the bikes are better too.  He had a session in the pool when he came back so after dinner all he wanted to do was chill and watch the Simpsons. 

Bi-late afternoon wander in the garden to check that the new plants are still thriving.  They are.  Phew! 

Ele and Kenny were supposed to be coming up tomorrow and we were going to have lunch at the golf club then the guys would play golf and Ele and I would spend the afternoon together before having dinner at ours, but poor Ele messaged me this morning to say she felt awful (shivering and sweating, sore throat, blocked sinuses) so they wouldn't make it tomorrow. I thought covid and she took a test and confirmed this evening that that's what it is.  Hope Kenny avoids it.  They just got back from their holiday house in Spain on Saturday so I suspect she may have caught it on the plane.  

Andrew, Nikki, Esme and Jen are still out in Spain so I hope they avoid it.  They're not due to come back home till Thursday then Esme starts school next week!  Would be awful if she missed her first day at school! 

So we have an unexpected free day tomorrow.  Going to spend part of the day visiting the venue of our Goddaughter's wedding next week.  Don't want to be late on the day because we can't find the place.


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