Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

A Knuckle Sandwich

Shopping when the shop opened.
Watch the monsters while Bags and SIL went to order up new cars.
Early afternoon - back to Bags' to pick her and Squirrel up and go over to SWMBO's younger sister's house  .... where we joined up with all her siblings and various offspring.
As usual it was loud and mad, but the 2 youngest members were absolute stars regarding their behaviour and coping with everything going on around them (pictures of them in the extras). Amazing really with 16 others, 2 large dos and 2 cats all milling around.

After dropping off Bags and Squirrel we went and dropped of a cards at the H's - found out that his daughter-in-law' father (whose mother died unexpectedly recently) died a couple of days ago.

Home again and SWMBO saw an ambulance turning into the courtyard. It left about 20 minutes later followed by the 2 badly parked cars we complained about when we got home. We are fearing the worst for one of out neighbours whose health has gone downhill pretty rapidly recently.

This has not been a good couple of weeks.

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