The Parish Church of ............

.......... Saint Peter in Heysham, Lancashire.

After leaving Ayr this morning had arranged a bit (??) of a detour to Morecambe, Lancashire to meet up with Leonine.

The weather was fabulous and I drove down via part of the Lake District - through Ambleside and Windermere - extremely beautiful but full of tourists and, because of the very narrow lanes, nowhere to park to get the magnificent views (note to self: choose very, very early morning or out of season for the next visit!!).

Arrived in Morecambe and it appeared that the sea had gone on its holidays - it was nowhere to be seen (I resisted putting sea-n!!) - for those that don't know, in this area the tide goes out a long, long, long way and then comes in at express speed and can be extremely dangerous to those who are unaware.
Met with Leonine who took me to see this beautiful little church in Heysham just along the coast - what a wonderful place and the views are stunning (see blipfolio shot of Morecombe Bay from the other side of the building.

For those interested in history there are also the ruins of St Patrick's Chapel on the same site - believed to be dated from the 8th or 9th century.

Only sand - no sea visible behind

We talked and talked and talked ......... what a gentleman in every sense of the word, a wicked sense of humour, interesting, intelligent and knows more than I will ever know about photography (and photoshop!!!!!!!) ...... the time passed all too quickly and I reluctantly had to make tracks for home (200 miles and arriving at 10.30pm!!).

Thank you, Leo, for a lovely afternoon and I hope we can do it again - maybe with fish and chips at your favourite spot next time.

Huge thanks for all your comments, stars and hearts on the Ayr sunset yesterday ..... it was a special day to see my friend Annie too.

Last year it was Chafficopters

NIKON D5200 : f/6.3 : 1/250" : 18mm : ISO 250

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