
By jennym999

The Adventure Playground in Windsor Great Park

This is a view of part of the new Adventure Playground built  on the Crown Estate in Windsor Great Park adjoining Savill Gardens, just opened this year. You have to pay to get in..quite expensive for a two hour session, but it is really well built with so many walkways, slides and tunnels to go down, wobbly bridges, ladders to climb etc etc. designed for 2-12 year olds but sturdy enough for adults to accompany less adventurous children. We met up with our children plus grandchildren…the grandchildren loved it and we were impressed. 
We had all taken picnics which we could the have on the lawns overlooking the Virginia Water Lake by the big Obelisk…see extra. The Obelisk  was built in 1750s by King George II to honour the military successes of his son William, Duke of Cumberland. It was at this time that Virginia Water was developed as a park area.
Very hot today up to 25C.

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