
By Photogen

Lunchtime, George Square

The red tarmac in Glasgow's George Square has been the subject of much debate. Would the city councillors replace it with something a bit classier or would we just make do and mend? They have now agreed to a more modest plan than the one that was abandoned in January following opposition from the public. A new grey surface will replace the present red tarmac, grass areas will be expanded and the 13 statues will remain, at a cost of £500,000.

More dramatic changes are proposed after the Commonwealth Games - but only after a promised public consultation. The people of Glasgow don't like decisions behind closed doors! The total budget matches the £15 million earmarked for the original proposals. That's a lot of money in anybody's book! An earlier on-line petition called for the square to be restored to "its former grassy glory", and attracted thousands of signatures. There's also a suspicion of some malpractice. So the plot thickens! Watch this space.

I used a Carmen filter and some other colour manipulation to emphasize the red tarmac and red shirt of the central figure.

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