
By Jamjar

Bouldering first of all, although it was something of a flying visit because I'd slept badly and didn't really feel like it, but I stayed 40 minutes and got 15 routes done.

Then I at last got round to making a batch of spiced braised cabbage with apple. In the process I managed to leave half of the kitchen cupboards banging wide open... I looked at them and immediately thought of Mary, as she's well known for that! I've shared more than a few hotels rooms with her, and it's very annoying when you want to get into your side of the wardrobe but first have to shut both her drawers and the door. I sent her this photo, and she laughed! I put the washing out, rather late, and went for a walk around the Radbourne circular. 

What a lovely day it's been, breezy, warm and sunny, but I think it's going downhill in North Wales this weekend  :-(

3.56 miles

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