0804 to Leeds


"I work in the job centre"
"Do you have any photographer jobs?"

So, two weeks ago I met up with a fellow blipper (Mr John) and we went on a little walk across town before stopping off for a coffee. Along the way I took several street portraits but when I got home I realised that my memory card was corrupted and I had lost all my pictures! :(

There are ways to recover data from these things but it requires specialist software and takes time. I took it as a hard lesson in digital photography, and realised that my cards may be coming to that point where they need to be replaced. Someone I know changes them every couple of years to ensure this kind of thing doesn't happen.

Anyhow, since then I have had a bit of a break from the project, mostly due to work commitments, and it's likely that the next few weeks is also going to be staggered so I apologise for that.

Onto today's portrait then:

This is Gurjeet, and even in today's bright, sunny weather I caught the sight of his turban from across the square. I rushed over and asked him for a picture.

He was happy to oblige asking how long it'd take.

"Just a minute or so," I replied.

I had expected him to have an ethnic accent if I'm honest, but he spoke with the thickest Yorkshire accent and it took me a little by surprise :)

The shoot took about thirty seconds in fact, as I got the composition I had in mind and the lighting worked out well. It was lucky that I caught him on the shaded part of the street as I was worried that taking portraits in the midday sun was going to be difficult.

Gurjeet works at the job centre. I couldn't resist in asking him if they had any photographer roles going, he laughed and said he didn't know but I was welcome to come in and take a look.

I thanked him for the photo, and asked him to contact me as he had asked earlier about getting hold of the pictures, which I was happy to do.

Humans of Leeds

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