
By DJsDailyDose

Happy Birthday to my daughter

Today is my daughters 15th birthday… I can’t believe she is already 15.. where does the time go? It seems like yesterday I was holding her in my arms..

We started the day with pressies.. we bought her a Pandora bracelet which she has been wanting for a while and a couple of charms to start her off.

She then met up with some friends for lunch so I went for a dog walk with my husband and son and stopped off at a coffee shop and sat outside as it threatened to rain but was still very warm.

Home and I did a couple of hours of cello practice ahead of a rehearsal with my music partner tomorrow. We are playing at a wedding in a few weeks and they have been quite specific about the music they would like.

This is my beauty cello I bought only a few years ago (although I have been playing some 30 plus years).

Finished the day with a Chinese takeaway (my daughter’s favourite) and a movie. A lovely end to the day and weekend.

Hope you have all had a lovely weekend…

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