
By DJsDailyDose

Bar on wheels..

A very hectic day here… a lovely walk with my friend Pete in the woods (see extra), a full day of work, running my daughter to gymnastics, my son to drum lessons and then a music rehearsal for me.

We are playing at a wedding in a couple of weeks so needed to get together post holiday to run through things which went well.

We set up in Lindsey’s garage tonight which she has converted to a games room and this brilliant bar was along the wall! How brilliant! I couldn’t resist using this as my photo for today. Ironically, post holiday, I have decided not to drink for a while. I’m very much and ‘all or nothing’ person. With everything. And so will alcohol I either drink regularly (and I mean at least a few nights a week) or not at all. During periods of ‘not at all’ I’ve seen massive improvements in my sleep, my health and well-being generally and so now it’s time to go not at all.

Tomorrow I have a dental appointment for a couple of fillings I’ve been putting off for a few months eek… not looking forward to it, but has to be done!

Will sleep well after a very busy day!

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