Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I can think of no better word to describe this small, delicate green lacewing, a member of the larger Order Neuroptera, net-winged insects .  Had it not flown, I would never have seen it.  And had it not still been slightly cool this morning, I would never have gotten a photo.  Lacewings are considered beneficial and can eat soft-bodied insects 20 times faster than lady bug beetles.  A random factoid that I'm sure will allow you to sleep better tonight.

I was supposed to meet up with my nature group this morning, but I was able to score an early afternoon appointment with my rheumatologist which wouldn't have allowed to to get back in time.  So, instead, I went to a great wildlife management area that has fields of wild flowers.  It started cool which limited the insect sightings, but quickly warmed up.  

The visit with the RA doctor went as expected.  I have RA and he wants me to start on a drug that is used to treat RA, as well as certain cancers.  It's a drug that can be hard on the liver so once I start, no more wine or anything alcoholic.  I will miss having a nice glass of wine or fizz, but not willing to risk my liver health.  Interestingly, cannabis is fine and since it is legal in NJ...bring on the gummies.  Haven't picked up the drugs yet, but probably tomorrow.  I will have to figure out when I want to start as they are only taken once a week and I need to figure out what day is easiest.  The lab will draw blood every 2-3 months to monitor my liver.  Am I having fun yet?

There will definitely be something dark today.  I found some dark with coconut and that may well be the pick of the day.


And I nearly forgot to mention - we saw SIX black bears on the Lane before 9 this morning.  Mama and her 4 cubs were right outside Hubs office window, and then as I was leaving to go the fields, another one was at the other end of the Lane.  Crazy!

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