
By Madchickenwoman


This is the advantage of doing Oscar's evening walk in the field! We got to play with Oscar's new ball too! It's called a Sumo, it's from a German brand so postage was prohibitive- but luckily I found a Uk supplier!  I discovered it in the fields I use during the day. Made of rubber its strong and due to it's shape it bounces erratically! Due to this it also goes further than a tennis ball! 
Tonight I did my walk round half the field without my walking stick! Progress! I've had a bad month with an upset stomach and painful knee - so I'd been unable to do my exercises. This week I seem to be back to what passes for normal! I'm thinking come september I may be able to start using the field with Ivy again! But I'm not up to walking Oscar in the village - if he pulled I'm not sure my leg would take it! I'm still having to use my Cocoon icepack - what a wondrous thing it is! It helps to remove the heat from my knee and apparently like an icepack helps the healing process!
Other news is that I've finally started listing my clothes on ebay! What a time consuming process that is! Washing, ironing, photographing then filling in copious boxes on ebay! It's been a week and so far nothing has sold!!! I think trying to list summer clothes is a bit of an issue given our pathetic summer! 
I'm thinking our wet summer has also stopped several of my plants from flowering - my Angels Trumpets, cosmos and sweetpeas are lush green plants but not a single flower!! However bizarrely my Ginger Plant has three flower spikes! Such a heavenly scent!

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