
By Jamjar

There are my last walking boots, filled now with rose petals and waiting to be mossed up, hopefully. Ashes to ashes... although there's the not insignificant matter of the rubber and the Gortex! I've another old pair in the garage, but they're for gardening.

To the Climbing Unit this morning and a much more relaxed session than Monday's. No idea how many routes I did lol, but I had a look at all the new Reds (V0-2) and completed three of them, but some of the others were too reachy on a day when I'm still tired from Monday. Plenty of time yet though, they won't be reset for ages.

On the way home I called in at the Kingsway Sainsbury's to buy a t-shirt to match the shorts purchased a week or so ago. But they had very little fitness wear and I'll have to try the other large store on Osmaston Park Road, BUT I did buy a denim jacket. What is it with me and denim jackets? This will be my third...... so why didn't I just hang onto the original?

I also bought a long summer dress, but when I tried it on at home I didn't much like it on me, I'm just not a puffy sleeves type of woman and it's gone back this afternoon. Sainsbury's doesn't have any mirrors around the clothing aisles and when I asked about this I was told it was a H&S matter, which seems a bit OTT. Perhaps there's been a court case or something. 

Edit: Just found out that the Reds are V1-3, which explains why I didn't like the look of some of them

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