transmission only mode..

By Mobius

Dress Rehearsal

Earth Songs held at Mablebeck village hall tonight as more space was need in order to practice the XR group dying bee routine to the sound of

The flight of the bumble bee – Rimsky Korsakov

A group of 20 samba drummers n dancers will also now be joining us at the demo on Saturday. We also tried out the masks that I'd made which added to the fun; now with a card back and stretch elastic head band.

Festival Organ Recital
Went yesterday afternoon. They were all pieces not originally written for the organ, starting with The Dream of Gerontius, a favourite of mine. 

The performer explained that many such pieces were arranged for the organ in order that the common man could hear them, rather than the well off with access to concert halls too.

Our son
Had started his apprenticeship position today, which was a national induction day for 62 new starters, 4 of them were from his central corporation tax team, the others being mainly audit. He was given his brand new slim HP laptop and i-Phone 13, and saw tonight on his banking app, that he's being paid his salary for his first 4 days  on Friday!

He also discovered that he's being lined up to play scrum half for Southwell Is and IIs, which is great news. He's little experience in that position but we've thought for a long while it matches his skill set well. 

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