
By NightOwl45

Back to Blip!

I have missed Blipping after being away for a while. My health is a bit better than it was. My fibromyalgia pain and fatigue have been very debilitating but thankfully my throat issues are slowly resolving themselves.

I had a particularly bad night last night and got about four hours of broken sleep. I ended up getting up and making a fruit tea and getting the heat pad out as lying in bed was just too excruciating.

Last Monday, I saw my GP. She’s new and she is wonderful. My former GP has left the practice to return as a Locum. I have been given medication for acid reflux as my new GP examined my throat and said it was incredibly inflamed.

The good news is my chest is clearer now but my asthma continues to flare up a lot. I am awaiting an appointment with the Pulmonary Team at the local hospital. The chest and throat infections really drained me and flared up my fibromyalgia symptoms. 

The past four days I have been in full flare but today has been better helped in part by a drier, sunnier day.

I had a quietly productive day today. Spotted today’s Blip on the way to get a phone top up, lying beside the recycling point outside the supermarket. Made me smile - a discarded toy sink.

Last Monday, my washing machine broke down. It made an awful noise on the spin. It had been showing signs of decrepitude for a while but I kept hoping for the best. There were a few sweary words! I had the GP appointment to get to and thankfully it finished before I had to head out. It was steaming when I opened the door…this year has been one of the most challenging I have had.

I’ve lived independently for just over ten years and it owes me nothing - it’s a 6kg model, I’ve had it approximately eight years. A good life! I’m completely lost without it. Hopefully it won’t be too long until I get a replacement.

I will play catch up with journals tomorrow in between life admin :) xx

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