
By Ridgeback13


Not enough sleep! Dragged myself up to go and collect the carpet cleaning machine and get some pastries which we ate before I headed down to P’s house. Worked away (took several hours) to try and clean up the downstairs carpets that have been so stained with all the stuff (what is it?!) that is dropped all over them by P/the carers when he’s bed bound. Not as good as the machine that I hired at home that had brushes and really scrubbed it clean, this seems to just spray some liquid then suck it back up. I resorted to buying a scrubbing brush and applying it by hand!
Starting to get warm….so it was hard work. Kelvin dropped by for a chat at one point, then T, then I finished and went to visit P in hospital again. He was having a good sleep but when he woke we had a chat about Snaith Hall, the Ukrainian war and how when he’d been unwell he thought the Pope had been killed but the no one was telling him as the assassin was coming for him next! So strange that he can remember what he thought so clearly when it was so obviously disordered at the time.
Made him some tea then drove home in a lot of traffic, returned the carpet cleaner and found K plaiting syringes of onions in the garden. We hung them all up then I ended up having a snooze on the sofa whilst she made supper and after that we slumped some more before a much needed early night

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