A day in the life

By Shelling


The motif is a bit of a re-use, it's featured here before in various stages of being but this is it for today. I'm trying to get rid of the white squares on the wall, against all common knowledge that you can't paint over a plastic based paint with a linseed oil based pigment paint, the plastic paint will always shine through. But, I noticed that everytime I paint a new layer over the white, some of the pigments stay on the surface and make the square less white. There must be six or seven layers by now. The weather being perfect for painting made me change the colouring of the dark bits to even darker so in the end I had redone the whole wall, the photo was for my own documentation but is now a blip as well.

It's been a lovely sunny, mild breeze kind of early September day where I've doodled around fixing small things here and there, weeding, putting things back in their place after yesterdays dinner, and so on. 

I like September as a wind down month after a hectic summer. All the tourists has left and society is slowly going back to normal working mode. A bit like April is a winding up for spring month, the opposite to September.

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