
By gennepher

Koi Fish

Late to post for me because went out this morning early to eat a breakfast in a new cafe opened up in England. Had good reviews. Well I am about to spoil that...
It ruined my morning, I needed indigestion stuff when I got back home...and I fell into a deep sleep.
It looked as good as the photos, but it had been pre cooked in old fat, and must have been heated up in the microwave. I prefer it when I can see kitchens...but it was all behind closed doors.
I couldn't even stick my fork in any of it, it was too hard...
I ate some of it to try, but had to use my fingers.

Won't be going there again.

Spoilt my morning.

And to get out of Wales this blooming 20mph thing where you don't know where it is going to be was a nightmare. My Sat Nav said the speeds of previous 20mph (outside schools) were now 30mph, and one stretch of road said it was 50 mph on my screen, and this must have also been on the screen of the Sat Nav of the huge wagon behind me because he was beeping me and was inches off my car's rear end. I ended up going a bit faster to get away from him, but he still beeped me and stayed inches from the back of the car. I ended up speeding to try get away from him, but he still stayed on my tail beeping me. My car stands no chance against a big wagon who can total me and my car because of his stupidity. I couldn't see the number plate as he was too close (I could only see his radiator), so if he had been a foreign wagon he wouldn't know the speed shown on his Sat Nav was wrong. The majority of massive wagons round here have foreign number plates.

This is a total nightmare.

It it like someone at Speed Limit Control is flicking switches at their fancy. 'Hey, let's make this 20 mph for a bit instead of 30 mph and see what the traffic does'. Because when I came the same route, the other side of the normal 2 way road, it had gone back from 20 mph to the 30mph on my Sat Nav. And that 50 mph had returned back to 30 mph for the return journey.

Oh, I forgot, they don't flick switches to change things any more, they just have poorly designed faultily designed software which no one has a clue how to resolve. And us poor motorists have our eyes glued to the Sat Nav to keep a close watch on this erratically changing speed limit...instead of the road...

I am going into hibernation until at least a week after the 20 mph speed change in Wales. Just absolute essential car journeys...

Wildlife camera.
Pa Badger - now watch me son, we have to jump to try and reach the cats biscuits.
Boy Badger - Dad, Badgers aren't built for jumping...

Last year there was just Pa Badger, I named him KissyKissy then because he had this obsession with giving Cat Midnight a nose kiss every time he saw him!

Midnight politely said NO initially, then Midnight's NO got a bit more vehement.

KissyKissy tried and tried and tried again. It appeared he wanted to jump on the swing like the cats! But never succeeded.

This was when I tied all the cloths to the back of the swing, because I would find all the swing cloths on the floor in the morning, and marked by KissyKissy...

My stray cats were here first, and the cat biscuits were only for them. Some visited only in the night. The cat biscuits are tucked at the back of the swing. There used to be more cats sleeping on the swing. And visiting...

47 secs

Creative - A photo of a koi fish with striped blue awning reflection...

I am going back to sleep. Temperature is 27C here

Far too hot for me...

Have a good day, and give the entrance to Wales a miss might be a good idea, because I read some places were going to have the side of the road still 30 mph for those people in England entering Wales so it wouldn't be too much a shock for those poor souls, but us who live in Wales will have the other side of the same 2 way road as 20 mph as we leave Wales.

Surely that would create a dissonance in our brains if we are driving on a two way road which has different speed limits either side of the road?

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