
This morning we prepared for my friends coming for lunch - our monthly get together! It was great. Leek soup and some delicious bread, a broccoli and Stilton quiche D made, (she wasn’t a cookery teacher for nothing! It was fabulous! ) with some salad and a few biscuits and mince pies with coffee (or tea or even fennel tea for me).  We put the world to rights - would it were that easy! 

After they left we did our usual walk with Chantal and then she made us this Jambolaya! 
Only we added sausage instead of chick peas.  It was delicious! 

Em phoned she was hoping we’d go to Tesco for her.  She had seen a lovely blanket there in autumn colours.  She wants to use it in her photography of little ones for an autumnal scene! Didn’t buy it and now there were none in her area.  So off we went! I’m delighted to say our Tesco had a few so it was easy! 

We then watched the first episode of The Bay.  To bed and I moved the duvet and an enormous spider came out of it!   

And finally I come to do a blip for the day!!   Nearly 11:00 and it’s very hot here.  I don’t think I’ll get round to do much commenting! But it’s been a great day! Hope you had one too.  Night night to you all! Xxx

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