
By scribbler

CP: Texture

The texture of my life: frequently late but always interesting!

I am looking into Contemplative Photography and have added a private challenge to the two I'm following. Hence, a triple challenge today.

LATE (TerriG challenge):
I recently read (on my iPhone) one of Alexander McCall Smith's charming detective novels set in Botswana. In that country, late means deceased. "I am so sorry, Rra, to tell you that since last year she has been late." In that sense, I am not late! Merely tardy. Very tardy. Usually tardy.

When I'm on time, it's often by minutes or seconds. As in just-in-time manufacturing, the margin of error is small. It does not allow for catastrophes, or even minor interruptions. I don't like being tardy. But I'm always trying to fit in one more thing.

The left-hand photo is the last interruption before I got my swimsuit wet.

INTERESTING (DDW challenge):
In addition to the many tasks one must necessarily accomplish (take out the garbage, do the laundry, etc.), I find myself tempted by interesting diversions. One of these, of course, is Blipfoto. It's almost time to go to the pool. But not quite. So I sit down and my computer and start reading your interesting comments and writing replies. The next thing I know, it's late! Or I'm on the way out the door with my sidekick journal when I realize that it's getting full of black-and-white scribbles with no art. So I stop and collage in some art, altering it to make it artfully my own. Oops, the clock kept ticking and I never even noticed. For me, time had stopped. Isn't that interesting? Actually, I think these interests help to make me a more interesting person. I hope you don't mind that I'm also late!

The right-hand photo was taken in the middle of lunch, which I didn't get to until 1pm because I was having such an interesting time at the pool. I swam today for the first time in several months, prevented by a shoulder problem. It was bliss. It was also Blip, since in that meditative space I had time to think about today's entry. Thirty lengths of the pool don't seem to have made my shoulder worse, and they have made me aerated and joyful. I know some people find lap swimming boring, but I always seem to find something interesting to contemplate.

TEXTURE (Contemplative Photography):
The reason I predetermined that today's entry would be black-and-white is that I didn't want to distract from its texture. I'm just getting my feet wet in this style of photography, but it seems very right-brain and so suits me well. Contemplative Photography emphasizes five elements: color, texture, simplicity, light, and space.

The Seeing Fresh website says, "Seeing texture has an almost tactile quality, which can help you connect deeply with form. As you move through the world, you can feel your way as you look." More here.


I am late in mentioning that yesterday's roses were my first attempt at a CP challenge. The topic was color.

Seeing Fresh says, "Color is pleasing. Color is not subtle. Color has no meaning, apart from what thinking-mind superimposes on it." More here.

OMG I'm late for church!

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