
By scribbler

"Fragrant and Eager"

If I ever write a bodice-ripper, this is what I'll call it.

I'll be sure to mention the TerriG challenge and DDW challenge on the Acknowledgements page.

FRAGRANT: Did you know that Portland is the City of Roses? In fact we're about to have our annual Rose Festival. Lots of roses these days aren't bred to be fragrant, but I can personally vouch for these two. Their scent followed me halfway down the block.

EAGER: I'm so eager to get my blip done today that I only took one shot for each rose! I'm also eager to try out my new Pic Stitch app which lets me show more than one photo at a time.

Yesterday I spent several hours on my tree blip and blipfolio.
Today, what you see is what you get. I'm outa here!

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