"If I could have your attention please."

This damselfly (Familiar Bluet, female) looks to me as though she is bringing a meeting to order. Probably wants to address the treatment of insects or some such thing...

She is 1 1/8" (29mm) in length and fortunately remained still long enough for me to get a few shots. Heck, she even moved to a more convenient location for me to get the best angle. Such a trouper... gotta love that quality in a model.

I've been having a week of so so images that I thought were good in camera only to find them subpar once on the big screen. This has been the case for 3 or 4 days in a row now. But today, I had a hard time choosing. (Oddly, I only spent about 10 minutes in the garden with my camera.) I guess it just happened to be the right time for the bugs and the right lighting for the shots. I almost posted this honey bee or this butterfly, both of which I have been waiting for a chance to capture an image of for some time now. But the detail in this gal's expression was just too much to pass by.

We went shopping for a new dock today (ours is in serious need of replacement). So many choices, so many configurations, so much money... ouch! We spent much of the afternoon down at the lake deciding on how we would redesign the dock etc. But I think we finally came to a decision and agreement. (Whew, I hadn't thought that there would be so much to think about...) Other than feeding the millions of mosquitoes, it was a nice way to spend the afternoon together. Cooked dinner on the grill and capped off the evening with a pleasant dog walk. Now I'm ready to curl up to watch the movie we rented. I will spend some time catching up with all of you shortly.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

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