'Sally' .......Johnathons Sister

We found Sally today on our Sunday outing up the coast.

Jaiya reckoned it was a labor of love throwing bread to the seagulls whilst I snap away....they really scare her....Flynn on the other hand had much fun.

There is something about this headland 'Hastings Point' that seems to blow all the cobwebs and cares away leaving one feel recharged and somehow ready for whatever comes next. Perhaps it has something to do with the gale force and chilly winds that nearly blow you away...hahaha! no cobwebs could stand up to that.

Hence not much luck with my LE experiments today...they weren't bad but not good enough to post...........I think I'm getting the hang of it a bit better though....probably better when the tripod is not shaking.

I love to post Rumi (not the dog)...I always search for the one that fits my day the best...they always.... always help........

Don't let them think that we've broken down;
That we've cracked up.
We merely dropped leaves,
For a further spring.

Rumi (not the dog)

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