
By Marionb

Cottage Sunrises...

and sunsets are back these days with a bit more flair..I have missed the spectacular colourful ones of the past...I am wondering if our smoky summer this year has been the reason? Anyway, it was a sunrise worth getting up to see this morning! 

Morning is my favourite time of day regardless of how beautiful the sunrise, and it seems to be the same for our beaver and mergansers.... That is when I usually see them out and about...I just wish they would venture in closer to shore!

It was a wam but cloudy day and I spent way too much time in front of the TV..including watching the men's final of the US Open! What an emotional ride that was!  Whew!

I intend to accomplish more tomorrow...heh heh...

PS: my sister is planning to cultivate a garden of native plants that attract bees and butterflies..In searching around for things to photograph this morning, I noted that a yellow flowering plant or shrub on our rocks out back had attracted several bees..and I thought my sister would be interested..I tried to look up what it is but was unsuccessful at identifying it..wondering if anyone knows?  is it a form of golden rod? 

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