
By pensionspoet

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Eventually, after many hours of travelling we got home minutes before midnight. Both of us crashed straight out, (although it was Jon who had driven for over 7 hours)

Getting up for work was very hard, even for Jon, and we were still just pretending it wasn't a work day when we heard Henry, then Mollie leave for their respective jobs.

Eventually we dragged ourselves up, and the short distance to the summerhouse to work, stepping over our bags. They would have to wait.

Very busy for us both, catching up on the last two days work. Jon has noone to cover his job as he is the only Tree Officer in the Highways department. Everything is waiting for him when he has time off. Mine is generally very busy but at least I have colleagues to help. Although today, I was helping the other team because the work/staff balance just doesn't, and probably never will, balance. By the end of the day, I could feel my stress levels rising. Thank goodness for part time working. Off tomorrow and back to a normal Thursday.

As I left my 'office' I noticed the two new blooms on dad's rose had come out. The rose bush has made a remarkable recovery since I removed it from the pot to it's temporary home in my veg patch. At the time the black spot had stripped it of the leaves. It looked dead. But now in the ground, the leaves have grown back, and are now dark and shiny. No black spots, and new blooms too.

I made prawn korma for dinner with coconut cauliflower rice. Mollie got home at 5.30. Now in her first full week as a teacher in her new class, plus the odd staff meeting after school like today. We had a chat, and she sounds like she is settling in well.

Jon is at Scouts, Henry is climbing, and I've been finding poems on the subject High and Low, for the monthly poetry group tomorrow afternoon. We are definitely back in the swing of 'normal'...and it feels Autumnal.

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