Everyday Life

By Julez

Autumn Mist

First thing I did this morning was to go out and look for my Blip. It was quite misty and I do love the atmosphere of a photo with mist!

Otherwise I've pottered about really. I was asked by the social worker to make a list of any falls etc. my dad had had in the months leading up to his hospital admission.  Blip came in very handy for that as I'd mentioned some and could remember when others had occurred in relation to other events.

I also decided to make banana bread with some very ripe bananas. It has turned out delicious despite being baked in a square tin since I realised too late that I no longer own a loaf tin. (I may still have one on the cobwebby top shelf of the cupboard where things only used once in a blue moon are kept, but I was not about to risk life, limb and spider by climbing up there!)

Soon be time to set out to visit my Dad again. I plan to contact a solicitor about power of attorney whilst there... They will need to speak to him too I'd have thought! I will look into the court of protection thing for my Mum too.

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