Aqua Boy

I want you to know that I had to jump over quite a few cicadas to get this photo. Even with the loud noise they make (I'm talking really loud) and the fact that they are flying all willy-nilly everywhere, not to mention that they are all over the walkway as I go from my house to the pool, I was determined to be as brave as my grandson (who is only 5) and get a nice sunny pool picture of him swimming for my Blip today.
My grandson was only too happy to show off his skills and even did a few fancy jumps and dives for me as I snapped away with the camera. I really loved this shot the best because of the dancing sunlight on the water and the shadow of my grandson (like a pretend friend) swimming along below him.
With all the rain we recently had the water temperature was too cold for me but kids don't seem to mind at all. Kids love water and sand/mud. I know I wasn't the only one who as a young kid dug giant holes in the sand for hours because I thought I could dig all the way to China!

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