
By Incredibish

Getting Ruby Dirty Again

I had to take Ruby in for some work the other day. In just over a year she'd done 1430km and suffered some pitting to her front wheel cones. Although she's still under warranty worn cones are apparently fair wear and tear, especially after I confirmed her mileage (or kilometre-age), and I can't really argue at that.

Delta Bikes in Dursley had her for just over a day, and today I took her out for a 28km bimble which took us up and over the Westridge Woods (200m above sea level, cumulative climb of 450m). Coming down the steep and rocky bridle path into North Nibley was... fun... and I think the elderly walkers enjoyed the sight of me bouncing the wheels from one rock to another!

I expect she'll be needing new wheel cones before long! Me too, probably.

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