Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Yard Bugs

I'm adding to my 2023 YardBugs list with this Hidalgo Mason Wasp (Euodyrnerus hidalgo), a chubby little flyer.  I saw my first one (ever) several weeks ago and was delighted to spot this one today.  Being solitary wasps, they are unlikely to sting unless handled roughly (and who would do that??). Adults feed on nectar but catch and paralyze caterpillars as a larval host for their young.  Creepy but cool.,

I went out and picked up some provisions for the weekend with my besties.  I found a recipe for a French toast casserole that looks yummy so wanted to pick up the ingredients for that.  And then to a local farm to get some fresh corn and tomatoes to go with dinner.  Then yoga for an hour which felt very, very good to my creaky body.  And then, poof, the day was drawing to a close.  Jax and I had a short walk and I will probably try to take him out shortly for a longer one.  He had a full day of playing yesterday at day care, so he's been napping.

Took my fourth weekly dose of drugs to combat RA this morning.  They will take 2-3 months to fully work so I don't know yet if this is the right drug or dosage.  It's a slow process and I'm not the most patient person.  But, I'm not really in charge of this, am I?  Anyway, other than some mild stomach upset from the drugs, it's been a pretty good day with very little pain.  Another in the Win column.

Plain dark today.


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