*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty

Dinna Fash Sassenach - Day 2

Stirling to Loch Maree

A long, long, l-o-n-g drive to the Highlands. Every year I forget what a distance it is and it somehow seemed longer than ever this time. I always fall into the trap of thinking once you reach Fort William you've not much further to go - wrong! Hehe. It took over 6 hours in total, with several stops and longer rest breaks. Hats off to Norm - I was exhausted just as a passenger, and not having to do anything. There was much rejoicing when we saw the first road sign for Kinlochewe!

Just chilled at the hotel for the rest of the evening and enjoyed the view from my bedroom window. The hotel wasn't quite as it was last time I stayed there but it's recently been sold and the new owners take over at the end of the month so hoping it will be back to how it was soon. It doesn't need much doing, just a little TLC and subtle modernising. And the views and location are still stunning. Made a little reel of the house martins (I think) outside my window here.

No phone reception, no internet, strange selection of TV channels so I started my new book, a holiday cross stitch project and gazed out of the window. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow :-)


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