Little Larry Academy

By emyjane2

Boo Dudley

Best viewed *larger*

Oh. he's certainly gone has Larry Robin. No sign, nothing. But his wife is around - Lila - & she's feeding one fledgling, Larry's legacy. She's bringing it closer to me every day as I feed her. If it's a female she won't be tame, but if a male, he'll take over Larry's territory & probably become my good friend. I'm trying to decide what to do, as the pain over losing Larry is just so great, I've been in tears for most of the day & I feel mentally & physically exhausted. I miss him so much & he's touched so many from blippers to friends on Twitter & Facebook & people I have met & have met Larry. He'll never be forgotten, ever.

I've decided to keep this blip going & dedicate it to my bird friends of my garden, so expect more Dudley Wren, Elgar, Bonnie & Clive Blackbird & anyone else I have the privilege to photograph. I just need to come up with a new blip title. xx

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