
By Bom


What a horrible day, chilly this morning with showers and extremely windy (gusts up to 49mph recorded at the weather station at Weybourne). I went into town to drop off some things at the charity shop and buy a loaf from the bakers. This afternoon I changed over my summer and winter tops and did a mini sort out. I also typed up a checklist for the exchange of my car, hopefully this week - I'll forget something if I don't write it down! I went into the garden looking for a photo, but no creatures were around, so I picked up one large pot that had blown over and took a photo of a little white feather that was on the lawn. 

Update: I got a text message from the surgery early this morning confirming that my Covid / flu vaccination will not be cancelled and that I am eligible. They also apologised for any confusion or upset. 

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